An Outline History of The Society of Anaesthetists of Wales.
From the Member's Handbook 1992
Following a meeting, held on November 26th. 1948, at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, convened by Dr.D.S. Jones a notice appeared in the British Medical Journal and "The Lancet". It read: Society of Anaesthetists of Wales. A Society of Anaesthetists of South Wales is in the process of formation and a meeting with this end in view will be held at Cardiff Royal Infirmary on Wednesday, January 12th, 1949, at 8.0.p.m. All those whose main interest is in anaesthesia are invited to attend the meeting.
At the meeting on January 12th. 1949 the following were present; Drs. F.C. Jenkins, Richard Thomas, F.W. Marshall, F.Y. Pearson, John Jones, W.W. Mushin, Sydney Rosehill, K.S. Thom, M.R.Choudhuri, D. Mansell Walters, L. Randell-Baker, Barbara Roberts, Rhys Jones, A. Hugh Musgrove and D.S. Jones. It was unanimously decided to form a Society of Anaesthetists of South Wales.
The meeting drew up the following Constitution.
1. The Society shall be called: The Society of Anaesthetists of South Wales.
2. Its objects shall be:
a. To advance the knowledge and practice of Anaesthesia.
b. To encourage the exchange of ideas.
c. To further harmony and friendship among Anaesthetists.
3. Registered Medical Practitioners, whose main interest is in Anaesthesia shall be eligible to become Members.
4. Future applicants must be proposed and seconded by two members. The name and address and a short statement of eligibility shall be forwarded to the council which shall have the power to accept or reject the application.
5. The affairs of the society shall be managed by a Council consisting of - The President. The immediate Past-President. The Secretary. The Treasurer. Four Council Members.
6. The office of President may not be held by the same member for two years in succession, neither shall it automatically fall to each member of the Society.
7. The Secretary, Treasurer and members of the council shall be eligible for re-election annually, but may not hold the same office for more than three years in succession.
8. The council shall have the power to co-opt additional members.
9. The annual subscription shall be £1.10.0d payable on January 1st, this to include at least one meal. It shall be optional, for Anaesthetic Registrars and Resident Anaesthetists to pay an annual subscription of 5 shillings, but this small subscription must of necessity exclude any meals, to which the said persons are eligible to attend on payment of the cost of the meal.
10. Honorary members, who are Senior Anaesthetlsts, may be elected to council.
Amendment introduced at the 6th. A.G.M.
a) That the president-elect be a member of the council.
b) That a Quorum of the Council should comprise five, of whom at least one shall be the President, the immediate Past-President, or the President-elect who shall take the chair.
11. It was further resolved that the Council should, if necessary, alter or redraft the Constitution from time to time. The revised Constitution should be presented at the annual general meeting for approval by the members.
1st. Council meeting. February 1st. 1949. Attended by Drs. A.Hugh Musgrove,W.W.Mushin,Harvey Nichol,Rhys Jones,K.S.Thom,Barbara Roberts,John Jones,D.S.Jones.
2nd. Council meeting. Resolved that Officers of the Society can admit members on receipt of applications. It was agreed that the Council would meet before each clinical meeting.
1st. A.G.M. Park Hotel, Cardiff. February 10th. 1950. Item 6 was changed to read; The office of President may not be held for more than two years in succession by the same member, either.
The first clinical meeting was held in Cardiff in June 1950. Council meetings were held immediately before each clinical meeting. The Annual supper on October 20th. 1950 at the Park Hotel Cardiff was addressed by Dr. Rowbotham who spoke on; "Continuous Spinal Anaesthesia". The cost was 12/6 per head.
2nd. A.G.M. Esplanade Hotel, Porthcawl. January 19th. 1951. The meeting was preceded by a supper and followed by a clinical discussion.
On Sunday April 29th. 1951 the Society visited the B.O.C.'s Caerphilly works. The Summer clinical meeting, held at Royal Gwent Hospital, was a morning of demonstrations and the afternoon given to discussion and short papers.
The Autumn meeting in Cardiff was addressed by Dr. Cecil Gray, dinner 12/6.
3rd. A.G.M. Esplanade Hotel, Porthcawl. January 24th. 1952.
4th. A.G.M. Esplanade Hotel, Porthcawl. January 30th. 1953. Membership 57. Balance £110 10s. 6d. Dr. Michael Nosworthy acted as a one man brains trust. The Swansea Anaesthetists were concerned about the venue of the A.G.M. On April 23rd a film show. October 22nd, Autumn dinner in Swansea but no summer meeting.
5th. A.G.M. Seabank Hotel, Porthcawl. April 9th. 1954. The meeting agreed to abandon January meetings. Professor Mushin was inaugurated in the Chair of Anaesthesia in the Welsh National School of' Medicine. Prof. Mushin suggested that the Society should register as a charity to which subscriptions might be paid by covenant. July 3rd clinical meeting at St. Lawrence Hospital. At the Autumn dinner Prof. Mushin spoke on; "Anaesthesia in Brazil".
6th. A.G.M. Seabank Hotel, Porthcawl. March 31 st. 1955. Membership now 57, ,Balance at bank £92. 13. 9d. The name of the Society was changed to The Society of Anaesthetists of Wales. Ladies were present at the summer meeting in Swansea and "the experiment had proved very popular."
7th. A.G.M. Esplanade Hotel, Porthcawl. March 22nd. 1956. June 30th. and July 1 st the first two day clinical conference was held at Bangor and Llandudno. Clinical sessions were followed by presentations on the "American Scene"; Cortisone problems.."; and "Antidotes in Anaesthesia". Paid up membership now stood at 70 and Dr. Rendell-Baker left for the U.S.A. At a B.M.A. meeting in Newcastle concern was expressed that the board of the Faculty was becoming "unbalanced" in its constitution.
8th. A.G.M. B.M.A. House, Cardiff. April 12th. 1957. 14 attended. There was no January meeting due to petrol rationing. At the June meeting in Cardiff topics included, "Nerve blocks for intractable pain"; Anaesthesia for AP. resection"; Anaesthesia for repair of umbilical hernia". Dr. Geoffrey Organe addressed the annual dinner.
9th. A.G.M. The Bear Hotel, Cowbridge. Monday, March 31st. 1958. It was resolved that; The office of President should be for one year only. Council members should not be elected annually. In future two members only be changed. Council members should be allowed first class travelling expenses and 30s. subsistence allowance. This only applies to council meetings. The Secretary sought a gift of five guineas for his secretary for her help.
10th. A.G.M. Angel Hotel, Cardiff. ApriI 4th.1959. The format for the summer meetings was a morning operating theatre demonstration, followed by lunch and discussion in the afternoon on cardiac arrest and two films. The treasurer had applied for income tax relief for subscriptions. It was decided to dispense with the services of an accountant and for two members of the society to audit the balance sheet. This decision was rescinded at the next council meeting and the auditor was invited to a future dinner. On December 12th. Dr. John Beard spoke on "Modern views on premedication".
11th. A.G.M. Angel Hotel, Cardiff. April 2nd. 1960. There was "a rather poor attendance" at the autumn dinner dance "in view of the agitation to hold such an affair." The subscription was increased to £2.2.0 and a donation was made to the Bernard Johnson Fund. The autumn dinner was addressed by a guest speaker, Mr. Mervyn Jones, Chairman of Wales Gas Board.
12th. A.G.M. Treforest Trading Estate Restaurant.April 22nd.1961. Attended by 14 members and 4 guests. It was decided that members reaching retirement age should be made honorary members. Summer meeting in Aberystwyth included a visit to the National library.
13th. A.G.M. Treforest Trading Estate Restaurant. April 7th. 1962. Dr.. P. Alwyn-Smith was unable to attend because of sudden developments in the small-pox outbreak. ~ The question of a Society medallion was discussed.
14th. A.G.M.Treforest Trading Estate Restaurant. March 30th.1963.
15th. A.G.M. C.& A. General Hospital, Bangor. May 14th. 1964. It was resolved that whenever possible the summer meeting should be held away from Cardiff. It was resolved that the A.G.M. would be held during the summer meeting, after the clinical meeting. On December 4th. Dr.C.F.Scurr gave a talk and showed a film on profound hypothermia.
16th. A.G. M. Morriston Hospital, Swansea. May 16th. 1965. The former Presidents declared their intention to present a Presidential Insignia to the Society, each donating £5.5.0. Drawings were made by Dr. L.Rees and Dr.T.Marshall.
17th. A.G.M. Abergele Hospital. May 14th. 1966. The Presidential Insignia was presented; a medallion with a green and red ribbon. Subscriptions increased to £2.2.0d.
18th. A.G.M. Sophia Hospital, Rotterdam. May 13th. 1967. A visit to the respiratory unit of Dr.G.van.Weerden. A party was held to mark the 21st anniversary of the Cardiff Anaesthetic Department.
19th. A.G.M. Glangwilli Hospital. May 18th. 1968.
20th. A.G.M. Bronglais Hospital. May 17th. 1969. A discussion was held on the relationship of the Societies of Anaesthetics to the Association of Anaesthetists. The balance of the society accounts was £ 189. 19. 2. Mr.A.Aldis, Chairman of the Postgraduate Committee, invited the Society to submit proposals for Postgraduate Education at consultant level.
21st. A.G.M. St. Vincent Hospital, Dublin. May 22nd. 1970. This meeting was planned to coincide with the Irish Faculty's Annual Scientific Meeting. The Society had enjoyed a number of visits to hospitals, places of artistic interest, Guinness Brewery,and to the Symposium. The winter meeting had been noted for its brilliance and interest and by the presence of only 12 people.
22nd. A.G.M. St Lawrence Hospital, Chepstow. May 22nd. 1971. The Department of Anaesthetics, Cardiff Trust Fund Registrars' Prize was announced. Two prizes were to be offered. The prize was open to any trainee in anaesthesia in Wales. Following the A.G.M. a Discussion was opened by Professor W.W. Mushin on the subject of "An Independent College of Anaesthesia". A spirited discussion followed and unanimous support, by the 35 members present, including some guests, was given to the proposal that the Society should write the Association and the Faculty asking for a referendum to be conducted throughout the country, preceded by regional meetings, to assess the opinion of the profession. The first records of sponsorship for meetings from Companies appear in the minutes of meetings.
23rd. A.G.M. Veterinary School,. Cambridge. June 24th. 1972. It was proposed that trainees working in the Principality of Wales, should be made honorary members for the duration of their appointment.
24th. A.G.M. University College, Bangor. June 23rd. 1973. The Council of the Society prepared a memorandum, to be submitted to the Welsh Office, to establish an all-Wales Advisory Committee in Anaesthetics. This committee was recognised to give advice about patient management only.
25th. A.G.M. Glangwilli Hospital,Camarthen. May 18th. 1974. The council had convened the inaugural meeting of the Welsh Advisory Committee in Anaesthesia composed of two divisional representatives from each of the eight A.H.A.s and the Professor of Anaesthetics at the Welsh National School of Medicine, (ex-officio). The newly constituted Welsh Advisory Committee was asked to look into the matter of study leave for the Society's meetings on an all Wales level.
26th. A.G.M. St. Bredade's Bay Hotel,Jersey. April 26th.1975. The secretary was to investigate charity status...again. Dr. I.Rhys Jones was elected an honorary member.
27th. A.G.M. Postgraduate Centre, Wrexham. May 22nd. 1976. It was reported that Charity status would require detailed accounting, with the possibility of taxation on any profits. It was decided not to proceed. The subscription was increased to £3.50. Dr.Horton had found very little enthusiasm for a journal but it was agreed to circulate members asking for contributions. It was agreed that the Head of the University Department of Anaesthesia would be an ex-officio member of council. Membership of the society stood at 87.
28th. A.G.M. The Queen's Hotel, Cheltenham. May 14th. 1977. It was agreed that an annual prize should be awarded for the best scientific paper submitted by a member of staff-in-training working in a Welsh hospital. The prize would be £25. Awarded annually, judged by a panel selected by the Council. There had been very little response to approaches for contributions to the proposed newsletter and it was decided to proceed no further. A draft revised Constitution was drawn up in the light of boundary changes in Wales.
29th. A.G.M. Neville Hall Hospital. June 10th. 1978. No entries for the Registrar's prize. It was decided to invite two members of each firm, supporting the summer meeting, to the evening dinner dance (at their own expense).
The following amendments to the constitution were agreed:
(a) para 5: the President Elect and the Professor of Anaesthetics at the Welsh National School of Medicine to be added to the Membership of Council.
(b) para 8 (1): The office of President may not be held for more that 2 consecutive years.
It was announced that H.M. Inspector of Taxes had allowed the annual subscription of the society against income tax. It was suggested that the membership fee should be increased but it was decided instead to charge a registration fee at future meetings. It was agreed that £250 be donated to the Anaesthetists' Academic Foundation.
30th. A.G.M. University College of Cork. May 12th. 1979. It had been proposed that the society shou1d change Its name to The Welsh Society but the Council had recommended no change and this was accepted. The annual subscription was increased to £5. The treasurer was requested to formally offer honorary membership to all retiring members.
31st. A.G.M. Withybush Hospital, Haverfordwest. May 10th.1980. The registrar's prize was presented for the first time since it was offered for competition in 1970. There was a good entry for the prize so three prizes were presented. The President's chain of office was valued at £1000. It was considered that a £25 book token should be donated to guest speakers to the society's meetings.
32nd. A.G.M. Singleton Hospital, Swansea. May 9th. 1981 Members attending the A.G.M. would sign a sheet of paper to be included in the Minutes Book. The question of charitable status was again investigated.
33rd. A.G.M. Ysbyty Clan Clwyd. May 22nd. 1982. The ribbon attached to the President's Chain of Office, replaced by Dr. Laird the previous year, "after much investigative work", was reported to be that of the Mercantile Marine Ribbon of the 1914-1918 war. It was agreed that formal dress should be worn to the dinner that follows the A.G.M.
34th. A.G.M. University Hospital of Wales. May 21st. 1983. Dr. D.S. Jones was elected an honorary member. There were now 100 members of the Society.
35th. A.G.M. Old College, Aberystwyth. May 5th.1984. Meetings suggested for Paris and other foreign cities had not received support. Dr.B.Roberts and Dr.B.Weaver were elected as honorary members. Dr. Frost presented the Society with a Shield for an annual golf tournament. The value of a seating plan for the autumn dinner was discussed. It was thought to be a good idea to "mix the departments up".
36th. A.G.M. Bulkeley Arms Hotel, Beaumaris. April 27th.1985. The Society's assets were £6548 but, there was a potential tax liability. A donation of £500 was made to the Appeal for furnishing 9 Bedford Square.This was used to purchase a Trafalgar chair. The question of dress at the dinner following the A.G.M. was discussed and it was decided that this should be at the discretion of the hosts. The President presented the Society with a new Gavel. Professor M.Rosen was congratulated on his Honorary Chair.
37th. A.G.M. Friars Postgraduate Centre, Newport. May 10th.1986. A Society tie was produced. It was felt that the Society might be having too many meetings with other Societies which was not conducive to getting to know our own members. The Registrar's Prize was renamed the Junior Anaesthetist's Prize and increased to £75.
38th. A.G.M. Postgraduate Centre,Wrexham. May 16th.1987. Dr.P.Robinson, Dr.H.Maliphant, Dr.P.Coldrey, Dr.J.Lewis and Dr. G. Loyn were made honorary members.
39th. A.G.M. Burnside Hotel, Bowness-on-Windermere. April 30th. 1988. Dr. Collis was made an honorary member.
40th. A.G.M. Hotel de France Jersey. April 29th.1989. The Registrar's prize would be awarded for the best presentation at the Spring Scientific meeting. Dr. Meldrum was elected to membership.
41st. A.G.M. Tewkesbury Park Hotel. June 23rd.1990
42nd. A.G.M. County Hospital, Hereford. June 8th.1991. Drs.B.Owen and K.Hardy elected to honorary membership. Resolved to exempt honorary members and non-doctor members from registration fees for Society meetings.
Past Officers and Council Members, Presidents Council Members
1950 H.Musgrove. D.lssacs, Powell Jenkins, Rhys Jones, J.Jones. Sec.D.S.Jones Treas. Harvey Nichol.
1951 W. Mushin. D.lssacs, B.Roberts, K.Thom, T.Williams.
1952 W.Mushin Randell Baker,R.Thomas,T.Wiliiams, Lister Wilson. Sec.K.Thom Treas. D.S.Jones.
1953 F.Pearson T.Marshall,D.Picken, Gwyn Evans,H.Middleton.
1954 D.Jones R.Lake,A.Haley,W,Jones,J.Greatex. Sec. H.G.Middleton. Treas. D.K.W.Picken.
1955 J.Jenkins Lister Wilson, T. Williams,J. Lewis, B.Roberts.
1956 J.Jenkins J.Lewis,R.Thomas,A.Adams,A.Collis.
1957 I.Rhys Jones J.Sumption,H.Maliphant,Jean Horton,E.Savage. Sec. J.M.LewisTreas. T.M.Wiliiams.
1958 I.Rhys Jones J. Sumption,Maliphant,Galloon,G.Davies.
1959 D.Picken G.Davies,J.Sumption,W.Howells,G.Davies Sec. S.Galioon Treas. P.W.Thompson.
1960 H.Edwards W.Howells, G.Davies, A.Griffiths,J.Thomas.
1961 T. Williams L. Rees,A.Adams,A.G riffiths,J. Thomas. Sec. J.Sumption
1962 K. Thom A.Adams, A.Phillips, M.Rosen, J.Haley. Treas. L.Rees.
1963 8.Roberts A.Phillips, M.Rosen, T.Miles, J.Haley.
1964 H.Lister Wilson R.Jenkins ,D.Wakely,J.Sumption,T.Miles. Sec. M.Rosen. 1965 T.Marshall, R.Jenkins, D.Wakely, R.McClelland, A.Collis. 1966 T.Miles R.McClelland,A.Collis,J.Davies,P.Coldrey.
1967 N.Faux J.Davies,P.Coldrey,T.Hardy,J.Morgan.
1968 J.Lewis W.Lewis,J.Davies,D.Rowlands,J.Morgan.
1969 R.Thomas S.Laird,B.Phillips,J.Davies,W.Lewis.
1970 W.Lewis W.Mushin,M.Thorpe,S.Laird,W.Morton,B.Phillips, L.Rees,M.Rosen. Sec. J.N.Lunn Treas. J.R.E.Jenkins.
1971 P.Thompson W.Morton,M.Thorpe,P.Frost.E.Harrison.
1972 L.T.Rees E.Harrison,P.Frost,R.Bose,I.Jenkins.
1973 M.Rosen A.Peterson,R.Bose,J.Canton,I.Jenkins.
1974 J.Jenkins C.Wise,D.Fry,J.Horton,J.Canton. Sec. A.Peterson Treas. M.H.Thorpe. 1975 W. Mushin A.Edwards,C.Wise,D.Fry,J.Horton.
1976 D.Wakeley P.Jones, M.Phillips,G.Rees,A.Edwards. Sec. J.N.Horton. 1977 K.Hardy M.Phillips,P.Jones,G.Rees,J.France.
1978 P.Coldrey M.Sage,J.Thomas,T.Austin,D.Langley. Sec. G.A.D.Rees Treas. M.H.Thorpe.
1979 J.Davies T.Austin,D.Langley,M.Sage,J.Thomas. Treas. I.R.Jenkins.
1980 S.Laird J.S.Davies,Ashley Thomas,G. Thomas P .Steane. Sec. R.S. Vaughan.
1981 B.Owen J.S.Davies,G. Thomas,Ashley Thomas,P .Steane
1982 J.Lunn G.Loyn,Shang Ng, T.Webb,R.Mason.
1983 M.Thorpe R.Mason,W.Loyn,T.Webb,Shang Ng.
1984 P.Frost R.Morris,P.Latto,A.Wadon,R.Mucklow. Sec. R.Mason, Treas. J.S.Davies.
1985 I.Jenkins D.Roberts,. D.O.Jones,A.Wadon,R.Mucklow.
1986 R.Bose G.Arthurs,M.Whitehead,D.Roberts,D.O.Jones.
1987 G.Loyn G.Arthurs,M.Whithead,J.Foy,J.Rogers. Sec.R.Morris
1988 A.Phillips J.Foy,J.Rogers,R.Cross,D.Thomas. Treas. M.Sage.
1989 D.Fry R.Cross,D.. Thomas,K.Murrin,R..Jones.
1990 J.Canton R.Cross,D. Thomas,K.Murrin,R.Jones.
1991 J.Horton Sec. G.Arthurs.
Proposed Constitution. 1992.
1. The Society shall be called: The Society of Anaesthetists of Wales.
2. Its objects shall be:
(a) To advance the knowledge and practice of anaesthesia.
(b) To encourage the exchange of ideas and innovations for the speciality of anaesthesia.
(c) To further harmony and friendship among Anaesthetists.
3. There shall be the following classes of membership:
(a) Registered medical practitioners, whose main interest is in anaesthesia, working in Wales, shall be full members.
(b) Anaesthetists in training and associate members for the duration of their appointment in Wales.
(c) Nurses, working in Wales, in areas allied to anaesthesia shall be associate members.
(d) Members who have retired from both private and NHS anaesthetic practice shall be elected to honorary membership for life.
4. Applicants for a membership. The name, address and category shall be forwarded to the Council which shall have the power to accept or reject the application. The Council's decision shall be notified to the next A.G.M. All anaesthetists in training in Wales shall of right be associate members but will only receive direct mailing if their name is notified to the Secretary of the Scociety. It shall be the responsibility of individual members to notify the Secretary of the Council of any change of address or other details.
5. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Council consisting of: The President. The Immediate Past President. The President-elect. The Secretary. The Treasurer. The Head of the Academic Department of Anaesthetics in the University of Wales, College of Medicine shall be an ex-officio member. Four Council Members.
6. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held at the time of the Summer meeting. Items for the agenda shall be notified to the Secretary at least 28 days before the meeting. A quorum for the A.G.M. shall be fifteen members. The agenda of the A.G.M. shall include:
(a) To receive a report from Council.
(b) To receive and approve the accounts of the Society.
(c) To appoint Auditors for the following year.
(d) To determine the annual subscription.
(e) To amend the Constitution.
(f) To elect Officers and Members of the Council.
All matters shall be decided by a simple majority vote of those members present at the meeting.
7. The office of President shall be held for one year. The Secretary, Treasurer and members of Council shall be eligible for re-election annually. The Secretary and Treasurer shall not serve for more than five years and the other members of the Council shall not serve for more than three years.
8. The Council shall have power to co-opt up to two additional members.
9. The annual subscription for full members shall be a sum, recommended by Council and decided by a majority vote at the A.G.M. It shall be payable on January 1st. Associate and honorary members shall pay no annual subscription.
10. Honorary and associate members shall be exempt from the registration fee at meetings but shall pay for meals and refreshments.
11. All categories of membership shall be eligible to be elected to the Council. 12. Council may propose changes to the Constitution from time to time. Amendments to the Constitution shall be decided by a majority vote at an A.G.M. or a majority vote at an extra-ordinary meeting of members.
13. At least 28 days notice shall be given of the A.G.M. and any extraordinary meeting of members.
14. Meetings of the Council shall Society. A quorum of the Council shall be four members, of whom at least one shall be the President, the immediate past President, or the President elect, who shall take the chair.
15. The Society shall award prizes each year to the best presentations by Anaesthetists in training, the presentations to be made at the Spring meeting. The value of the prizes will be determined by the Council!!. Prizes will only be awarded if a satisfactory standard is achieved as determined by the judging panel, which will be selected by the council.
16. The Society shall hold at least three meetings each year. In the Spring there shall be a Day Scientific meeting, normally to be held in South Wales. In the Summer there shall be a two-day Scientific meeting. Guests and members of the trade demonstration may be invited to the preceding evening meal. In the Autumn there shall be a Winter meeting and dinner to which guests may be invited.
MEMBERS 1991 Dr.S.Akerman Dr.F.Adrianvala Dr.G.J.Arthurs Dr.T.R.Austin Dr.P.Barry Dr.C.Bell Dr.D.G.Bogod Dr.N.Boheimer Dr.R.Bose Dr.A.M.Brooks Dr.J.P.C Dr.J.W.Brooks Dr.J.Butler Dr. C.C.Callander Dr J.Canton Dr. S.Catling Dr.W.P.Cave Dr.M.Choksi Dr.G.S.Clark Dr.P.Clyburn Dr.M.Cobley Dr.P.Coldrey Dr.A.A.Collis Dr.R.Cooke Dr.J.Cooper Dr.R.Cross Dr.D.B.E.Davies Dr.F.J.Davies Dr.G.Davies Dr.H.F.Davies Dr.R.Davies Dr. S. Davies Dr.D.Dye Dr.A.Dyson Dr. A.E.Edwards Dr.H.Edwards Dr. V.A. Edwards Dr.E.R.Emanuel Dr.D.E.N.Evans Dr.D.H.C.Evans Dr.I.M.Evans Dr J.M.Evans Dr.M.L.Evans Dr.R.J.Falconer Dr.B.J.M.Ferguson Dr.Roshan Fernando Dr.Stephanie Foot Dr.J.Foy Dr.P.Frost Dr.DJ.Fry Dr.L.W.Gemmell Dr.J.D.Gough Dr.N.D.Groves Dr.T.K.Hardy Dr.M.Harmer Dr.T.J.B.Harris Dr.C.A.Harrison Dr.E.Harrison Dr.M.Hebden Dr.M.Heine Dr.A.Henderson Dr.D.Hoad Dr.J.N.Horton Dr.G.D.Housam Dr.P.A.lssac Dr. W .James Dr.B.J.Jenkins Dr.I.R.Jenkins Dr.J.R.E.Jenkins Dr.K.Johnston Dr.D.I.Jones Dr.D.C.Jones Dr.D.S.Jones Dr.H.Jones Dr.I.Rhys Jones Dr.M.Jones Dr.M.B.Jones Dr.Melanie Jones Dr.N.K.Jones Dr.P.L.Jones Dr.R.A.Jones Dr A.K.Khalil Dr.J.F.Kidd Dr.I.D.Klepper Dr.A.P.J.Lake Dr. D.R.Langley Dr.I.P.Latto Dr.J.M.Lewis Dr.W.J.Lewis Dr.H.Lister-Wilson Dr.W.G.G.Loyn Dr.D.M.Long Dr.J.N.Lunn Dr.J.B.Lynch Dr.E.Major Dr.H. Maliphant Dr.P.S.Mangat Dr.J.Mansar Prof.W.W.Mapleson Dr.W.McCullough Dr.D.Martin Dr.J.C.Martin Dr.R.Mason Dr.J.A.K.Meldrum Dr.T.Mimpress Dr.W.E.Morcos Dr.R.Morgan Dr.R.N.W.Morgan Dr.J.L.J.Morris Dr.R.W.Morris Dr.S.Morris Dr.W.H.Morton Dr.R.G.Mucklow Dr.K.R.Murrin Professor W.W.Mushin Dr.W.S.Ng Dr.A.Nigam Dr.J.Norman Dr.H..O'Dwyer Dr.D.O'Flaheny Dr.R.W.Okell Dr.B.Owen Dr.D.N.H.Owen Dr.T.Owen Dr.R.K.Padi Dr.B.Palmer Dr.I.Parithatne Dr.T.F.J.Parker Dr.A.M.Peeling Dr.A.H.Phillips Dr.G.Phillips Dr.K.C.Phillips Dr.M.L.Phillips Dr.D.W.Picken Dr.F. V .Pickford Professor C.Prys Roberts Dr.Dr.W.A.Raj Dr.L.T.Rees Dr.G.A.D.Rees Dr.B.C.Roberts Dr.P.W.H.Robinson Dr.W.O.Roberts Dr.M.Robles Dr.J.R.Rogers Dr.W.Rogers Professor M.Rosen Dr.E.C.Rouse Dr.D.Rowlands Dr.D.Ryan Dr.M.Sage Dr.P.A.Schwarz Dr.P.Scott Dr.S.Scott Dr.S.J.Seager Dr.P.Sengupta Dr.H.Slowey Dr.D.Southern Dr.Hugh Speedy Miss N.Starkey Dr.P.A.Steane Dr. P. Stone Dr.J.C.Sumption Dr.S.M.Szekely Dr. Teli Dr.E.J.Tham Dr..Dafydd Thomas Dr.D.A. Thomas Dr.D.L. Thomas Dr.D.W.Thomas Dr.G.Thomas Dr.G.D. Thomas Dr.J.L.E.W.Thomas Dr.J.S.Thomas Dr.J.W.Thomas Dr .R. Thomas Dr.P.A.Thomas Dr.W.J.W.Thomas Dr.P.W.Thompsom Dr.W. Thompson Dr.M.Thorpe Dr.M.Turtle Dr.S.Underhill Dr.R.S.Vaughan Professor M.D.Vickers Dr.A.J.Wadon Dr.D.Wakely Dr.M.Watkins Dr.T.G.Watkins Dr.B.Weaver Dr.T.B.Webb Dr.G.Wenham Dr.R.H.Weston Dr.S.A.West Dr.P.C.Wiener Dr.M.Whitehead Dr.M.P.Whitten Dr.A.Williams Dr.E.G.N.Williams Dr.N.B.Wiliiams Dr.W.Williams Dr.B.A.Willis Dr.C.C.Wise Dr.P.V.Woodsford Dr.E.M.Wright

Spring Scientific Meeting
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